一、金额大 英语怎样表达
a large amount of money
二、金额 英语
USD表示美元?一般说话时需要放在句尾,这里是5.0325块032还是 5千零32?
1. ?five point three cents US Dollar
2. five thousands?thirty-two US Dollar
如果指钱数、金额像这个正巧是.50 就说 twenty eight and a half yuans (或其他币种的单位,dollars, euros, pounds, yens, pesos, etc)
如果不那么刚好是整数,小数点后面用 分(cent)” 表达。
例如:¥20.38 twenty yuans and thirty eight cents
不是金额带小数点的就是用 point 表达小数点,后面跟着的只读“有效数字”,比照汉语一般。
28.50 twenty eight point five
20.38 twenty point three eight
15.04 fifteen point O four (特别位是零,就读字母 O“(ou)
四、各种“钱” 怎样用英语表达吗?
1. cash 现金,现款
Of the two events, the cash loss-at this moment-weighed more heavily on him.(在这两起事件中,此时使他心情更沉重的莫过于丢现金这一起了。)
2. fund 资金,现款
The President also agreed to support congressional move to grant funds to help middle-and- lower income people pay their higher energy bills.(总统也同意国会的动议,资助收入一般和较低者,帮助他们支付日益增长的能源费。)
3. bill 钞票,纸币
The newest breed of inhabitants used the Cape Cod heritage not as a symbol of a proud and traditional past but as the symbol of a dollar bill.(新进来的这批居民并不把科得角的遗产看作过去骄傲和传统的象征,而是看作钱的象征。)
4. note 纸币
He motioned to the notes stacked on the table.(他用手指指堆在桌上的钞票。)
5. banknote 钞票
6. change 零钱
Just keep the change.(不用找钱了。)
7. coin 硬币
His ease was suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage and ringing on the floor.(一枚金币忽然飞了进来,当啷一声落在车厢的地上,把他的安闲给搅扰了。)
8. dough 钱,现钞
The items in the report on her visits to the shop had cost him some dough.(报告中有关她曾多次去商店这一项就花掉他不少钱。)