Introducing Myself
Hello, my name is____. I am a____(age) old____(profession) from____ country. I have a______ (qualification) in____(subject).
One of my strongest qualities is my______. I am always____(positive word) in the face of______ (challenges). I enjoy being____(activity) and always find time to____(hobbies).
I am______ (good at language) and I find______ (subject)____(interesting/challenging).______ (example) in my previous work/study, I found myself____(strengthened/ challenged)____(ability to handle/ task).
I am a______ (word) person and I believe in____(motto). I am also____(word) at____(skill), which has helped me____(achievements).
In conclusion, I am______ (word) individual with a strong______ (positive trait). I am always striving for excellence in everything I do and look forward to____(challenges). Thank you for your time to read my introduction. I hope to have the opportunity to______ (achieve/ develop) myself further.
A person’s physical appearance and personality can be described in an English short paragraph. Here’s an example:
John is a tall and slim man with short, brown hair and blue eyes. He has a friendly smile that lights up his face. He always dresses neatly and prefers to wear casual clothes. John is known for his calm and composed demeanor. He is a very kind-hearted person who is always willing to help others. He has a great sense of humor and loves to make people laugh. John is also very intelligent and hardworking. He is always eager to learn new things and takes on challenges with enthusiasm. In his free time, John enjoys reading books and playing the guitar. He is also a sports enthusiast and enjoys playing basketball and soccer. Overall, John is a wonderful person who is loved and respected by everyone around him.
- 英语作文一篇,满分9分:language5分,coherence and organisation 2分,appropriacy 2 分题目:Queenie Lau has sbumitted an article to Asia Life Magazine.You are the editor in charge of the magazine. Write an email to Queenie Lau and tell her she needs to check and change a few things .Write around 120 words
- 感觉第三段怪怪,别拍我
- 姓名:刘伟年龄:14健康状况:良好爱好与特长:1.喜欢运动,周末常和朋友打篮球; 2.喜欢唱歌和跳舞,是学校舞蹈队成员; 3.学习非常努力,英语说的非常好; 4.与人相处的很好。 帮个忙,谢谢
- Hello,Everyone: Now I give a speech talk about how to study English.As for me,I spend 15 minutes reading English every morning and Im interested in it.And I listen serious on the class and take notes on time,Whats more,I always go to English club talk with others to improve my speaking skills,its helpful. I think if you hold on to it,your English will be better and better!纯手打,因为是演讲所以要按照演讲稿的格式来写,楼上的不是演讲稿的格式。望采纳…….以上回答你满意么?
- 题目为If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? 字数要求250字以上,请发到我的邮箱:anan1224@126.com 不要直接回复给我,也不要照搬网上的,要自己写
- 感觉奖励有点少
- 不要写太多。谢谢!
- 自己去百度搜
- 快帮忙!!!!!拜托
- lm
- 太懒了,这个要是人家写了,你能得到什么?一无所知和依赖!
- During the second world war, Nazis under Hitler are 法阀瘁合诓骨搭摊但揩on a campaige to eliminate the jews.That is genocide. You just look up the wikipedia to do some research on this and you will get many writing materials to complete your essay. You can even write a few thousands words thesis on this. I suggest you write yourself
- 篇作文就是写自我介绍 范文的话 我从网站上复制几篇给你看看自画像:1、她,是个活泼可爱的小女孩.水汪汪的眼睛下长着一个扁扁的鼻子,嘴巴就如大猫一样贪吃,耳朵大大的(却听力很差),矮矮的身子下有着一双大大的脚.这就是她,一位可爱的小女孩. 她的爱好如同天上的繁星一样多:拉小提琴、听歌、看书等等.就拿看书来说吧!她家的房间只好用一个字来形容,那就是“乱”,不是因为玩具太多了,也不是因为衣服太脏了,那是因为她家的书实在太多了.不小心一翻,就会发现已经寻找了很久的书.每一本她都过了上千次.她看书可算是专心致志,怎么也惊动不过她,就连吃饭的时间到了,她也只能说几句:“等一下.”她可是杨红樱的忠实读者,几乎杨红樱写的每一本书她都看过了,为了能得到杨红樱的签名,她还冒着大雨来到新华书店.她就是这样,一个爱看书的女孩. 她可胆小了.如果是黑独自出门的话,那她一定会害怕得心里吵着叫:“妈啊.”她一会儿怕人家抢劫,一会儿又怕被坏人绑架.你看,他是多么胆小啊! 她不仅胆小还爱哭呢!一看她那水汪汪的眼睛就知道了,就算被人说几句,她的泪水也会不由自主地流下来.有一次,她和同学闹别扭了,因她借了同学的几本书,而忘记还.同学因此太气愤了,便握起拳头打了她几下,这时,她心里实在太难过了,便趴在桌子上哭了起来.感动也会引起她流泪.有一次,全校组织去看一旦怠测干爻妨诧施超渐部叫做《纸飞机》的电影,她被故事中的男主角何亮所感动了,眼泪悄悄地从眼睛里流了出来,她只好半掩着脸,不让别人看见. 讲到这里,你们想知道那位又爱哭又爱看书的小女孩是谁吗?她就是本姑娘——李茵. 2、Hello!大家好,我叫王晓,现在在高密市开发区埠口小学五年级学习. 我有一张圆圆的脸,一双乌黑的眼睛,短头发.我今年12岁了,不小了吧?却总也脱不掉那满脸的稚气. 我的爱好就是爱看书.说起看书,我还有一段小故事呢!那天,我看见我的一个同学买了一本《苦儿流浪记》,这本书我已经向往了许久,可是爸爸始终没有答应我的要求.我的自尊心很强,从小到大几乎没有央求过别人,这次,我硬着头皮,只好向他去借.谁知,他说可以是可以,可得拿动物图书跟与交换,我只好把书给他,向他要了那本《苦儿流浪记》. 我的缺点就是爱掉“金豆豆”.咳,你可别笑,这也是我的爱好哩!养的宠物死了,哭!受同学欺负,哭!考试不好,哭!看书看到感人处,鼻子一酸,又落下两排“大珍珠”.不过,我丝毫不觉得难为情,古人云:“当笑则笑,当哭则哭,无须掩饰.” 要说我不爱的,就数运动了.体育成绩自然不好了.三年级时,垒球扔个四五米顶天了,成绩还没过70分.不过,这个缺点,以后我要改. 我这个人,不仅爱哭爱笑,爱读书爱剪纸,还爱交朋友.你愿意和我交个朋友吗? 2)朋友,认识我吗?下面,我向各位做一下自我介绍. 我叫陈文强,现在在高密市开发区埠口小学五年级学习,今年11岁.我家里有4口人,有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我.我的外表嘛,说不上是英俊,但也不算丑.圆圆的脸蛋上,嵌着一双浓眉大眼,两只耳朵长在两旁,一个小嘴镶嵌在脸蛋中央,一个小嘴长在鼻子下面.我每天都是一个笑脸,即使有烦恼我也不会说出来. 我有个乐天助人的特点.记得有一次,我们中午放学,我走在回家的路上,忽然看见一个老奶奶身上背着很多东西,走不动了.我马上跑过去,问了一下情况.原来今天老奶奶去走亲家,由于亲家给的礼物太多,老奶奶累得走不动了.于是我对她说:“老奶奶,我帮助你把东西背回家吧!”老奶奶高兴地回答说:“好,好.谢谢你,小朋友.”我一边背着东西一边搀扶着老奶奶.不一会儿,就到了老奶奶……余下全文
以“My Bedroom(我的卧室)”为题写一篇英语作文(50字)
- 范文: My bedroom My bedroom is not very big , but it is bright and clean . The bed is very big and it is very cmfortable . There are two bedside tables beside the bed . I put a lot of things in it . Thereis a TV in my bedroom . Because I like watching TV , but I only watch TV at weekends . My desk is very long . There is a computer on it . I sometimes play computer games or surf the Internet . There are also some books and notebooks on the desk . The bookcase is next to the desk . There are many kinds 尝阀佰合脂骨拌摊饱揩of books on it . I love my bedroom .
- 多少字数