

My best friend is xx xx. She is tall and beautifu. She has long hair, big eyes and small mouth. She likes drawing pictures, and she can play the piano very well. I like play with her.


  • Should cyclists stop at red lights? Bike riders generally are required to obey traffic signals, but some treat lights as advisories, cruising through intersections while watching for cars. It sounds risky, but in fact cyclists might be doing their best in the face of poorly designed traffic laws, Alex Marshall writes on Streetsblog, which advocates more pedestrian-friendly streets. Making cyclists stop at lights can trap bikes in a dangerous swarm of automobiles, while proceeding through a red light separates bikes from car traffic. Instead, says Mr. Marshall, what’s needed is a separate system of traffic laws. In particular, cyclists could be allowed to cross intersections a few seconds befor碃川百沸知度版砂保棘e cars at some lights, as happens in Montreal. Another school of thought says that cyclists should act like motorists and take up entire traffic lanes. While that might make sense occasionally, bikes would be safer with an entirely different and looser set of regulations than cars


  • 大约二十分钟。下雨时她乘公交车,大约八分钟,她父母在离家十公里的一家医院工作,每天开小汽车去上班大约需要十分钟。提示词下雨,我实在不会写帮帮忙
  • lili is my friend,she goes to school in qingdao.from her home to school adout three kilometers.she usually go to school by bike,about twenty hours .she takes bus when rainning.,about eight hours


  • Every one needs friends.One relies on his friends for a lot of help during his lifetime; friends not only help through his difficul肠梗斑妓职幻办潍暴璃ties and hardships(艰难) but also share his joys.Without friends one feels lonely and solitary(寂寞的).  Knowing how valuable friends are,we should be very careful in making friends.In order to make friends one should reach out first instead of just waiting.When one takes in initiative(主动的行动),he will find many people who have common goals,tastes and interest with his.And his circle of friends grows.If one is always concerned about other people and helps them rid out a storm(平安度过困难),they will certainly become his good friends.  One should be polite,prudent(审慎的),sincere,honest,tolerant(宽恕的) and considerate in making friends.But one should also keep the principle in his mind that a good friends is helpful while a bad friends would be harmful.One should break off with false friends,get to know new ones and never forget old ones.  As distance test a horse’s strength,so does time reveal(展现) a person’s heart.A friend in need is a friend indeed.A long-term contact(接触) with someone will tell you who is a loyal(忠诚的) friend and who is not.Life is a long way full of troubles,difficulties,hardships and pain.It is imperative(必要的) to make good friends and keep the flowers of lasting friendship in full blossom(生长茂盛).

英语作文 我的好朋友要有我死怎样认识她的 她的样子

  • 我的好朋友 要论起我的好朋友,从幼儿园到现在小学五年级有很多很多,但我最要好的朋友,要数我们班上的吴泊静了,从幼儿园开始,一条友谊的链子就把我们拉到一起了,可以说,我上学以后,几乎和她是同班同学,所以我对很了解,她瘦瘦的,中等个子,大大的眼睛,高高的鼻子,一张嘴巴能吃会道,但嘴唇不是很红润,而是干巴巴的,皮都起皱了,一看就知道她不喜欢吃水果。 有一天,我和吴泊静走在一起,突然她走开了,我以为有什么事就也跟着去了,只见她跑到小部前,问:“这个橡皮多少钱?”“五角。”店主回答说。于是她掏出钱了一块橡皮,我莫名其妙问:“你不是还有橡皮吗?怎么还呢?”“不告诉你。”我一再催她告诉我,她才说:“我家附近有个小女孩,特别可怜,她的爸爸妈妈都出去打工了,她和她弟弟就靠她们爷爷奶奶那微薄的工资养着,她头上扎辫子用的皮筋都是用那种粗糙的毛线做的,她现在眼睛不是那么有神,从眼光里发出的是一种犹豫的眼光,本来他们俩个是很幸福的,她爸爸妈妈开了一家,没想到倒闭了,只有去打工……”吴泊静把她们的遭遇讲给我听,“那个女孩和她弟弟共一支钢笔,他们也没有圆珠笔,铅笔只剩下一点了也要坚持写完,今天我给她了橡皮,明天我给她支带圆珠笔的钢笔。”我突然也想捐献点什么,可我没说。 第二天,吴泊静果真了一只圆珠笔的自动笔,我说:“昨天那处橡皮她收了?”吴泊静点点头。下午回家,吴泊静又把笔给了她。 她这种乐于助人的品质我佩服,所以那条友谊的链子拉得更紧了。我的好朋友那是一个炎热的夏天,星期一下午放学时,我和小明排队出了校门,刚要过马路的时候,小明想起了语文书和文具盒放在教室的桌子上忘记拿,于是,他就急匆匆地向教室跑去,刚跑到教室门口,他看见教室门没有锁,便轻轻地推开教室门,一看,教室里到处是垃圾,小明想:今天的值日生忘记了打扫卫生,学校每日卫生评比一定不及格,明天老师一定会批评他们,还可能罚他们扫地呢,那么明天就不用我们这小组扫地了。小里一阵阵高兴,他连忙拿起书和文具盒,刚走到教室门口,小明又想:今天的值日生忘记了打扫卫生,如果检查卫生的老师看见了我们班这么脏,肯定扣我们班的竞赛分的。不,不能让他们扣分。于是,小明拿起扫帚,沙沙氦顶份雇莓概逢谁抚京地扫起地来,不一会工夫,小明就把教室打扫得干干净净。小明把垃圾倒到学校的垃圾池里,他远远看见检查卫生的老师来检查卫生了。不行,教室的窗户还没有关上,要扣分的。他飞似的跑进教室,气喘吁吁地把教室的所有窗户一一关上。这 时检查卫生的老师正好来到我们班的教室,他们看见教室的卫生打扫得很干净,给了一个满分,小明高高兴兴地回家去了。 第二天老师知道这情况后,表扬了小明。 我的好朋友我的朋友实在太多了,但是我最喜欢、最崇拜、最心服口服的是我的一个和我住在同一个小区、同一幢楼的尔族朋友——沙依达。她那面庞显出一副大方的气质,黑亮的眼睛,细溜溜的弯眉毛挂在额下,一只俊俏笔挺的鼻子显出文静、温柔的神态。薄薄的小嘴唇因为住笑而紧闭着,蓬松的短发乌黑透亮。我们俩的友情还是我爷爷介绍来的,事情是这样的:一天,我在我家楼下和我爷爷一起玩赛车,爷爷突然看见一个比我稍微大一点的小女孩站在一旁观看,爷爷看她很孤单,就对我说:“妮娜,把赛车借给她玩玩!”我便马上答应了。我把赛车给她,教她怎么玩赛车,这时爷爷就上楼了。就这样,从此我和她成了形影不离的好朋友,一起做算术,一起复习功课,一起读课文,一起玩耍。 但朋友之间也有些冲突。有一次,我有一道题不会做,便拧过头来看她是怎么做的。可是她却用书挡住了她的答案。我似笑非笑地说:“看一看嘛,我不会做!”可她……余下全文


  • 求篇英语作文,只要求几句就好。就是你朋友长亥拜酵之寂瓣檄抱漏送了本书给你当生日礼物,写封信感谢她。我写了一半了实在编不下去了,谁帮我再写几句,就几句。
  • You know I l长亥拜酵之寂瓣檄抱漏ove reading so you sent me a Book.你知道我我喜欢读书所以你送了我一本书I like this book very much because it represents our friendship.I will cherish this book because it is like seeing you抱歉英文辣鸡只能写这种水平


  • 告诉他:1.你去美国的目的2.你的行程和安排3.你们将如何联系(你的名字叫li ming)
  • 我是你的老师,自己的作业要自己做,还不赶紧删了?

写一篇以:我有一位好朋友,她生病了,我照顾她为话题的英语作文(要翻译) 60-70个词

  • 问题补充: 急啊啊啊!1点半之前必须完成啊!
  • 用“在线翻译”啊,输入中文,翻出英文,这样就是你自己想的,而不是抄袭的~


  • 作文:介绍朋友的,大概60.70词,1·写朋友的好处,在班里很受欢迎,很多人都喜欢他朋友。初二英语上册的期中考试作文!!跪求
  • definite people have friends .in our classmate ,i have a best friend.she names Marry.she has a black hair and thin .in her grounds have many people,so she is popular in our class!


  • 英语作文题目是我的好朋友,内容是我的好朋友叫罗健,他身高1米47,他很爱玩,也爱上网,虽然他成绩不好,但是他很聪明
  • My good friend My friend called Luo Jian, he stands 1 meter 47, he is very playful, but also love the Internet, although he not doing well, but he is very smart


  • 我的好朋友英语作文60词左右内容是我的好朋友是罗健,他身高一米四七,他非常爱玩,也爱上网,虽然他的成绩不好,但是他很聪明。
  • my good friendi have a good friend ,he is tall 170 killometer,he very like playing games and playing computer.